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Zara Berg

University of Hawaii, USA

Title: Occupational exposure of pesticides plays a role in developing cardiovascular disease


Biography: Zara Berg


Occupational exposure to pesticides in the Honolulu Heart Program is significantly associated with total mortality. This study examines occupational exposure to pesticides on the job in relation to incident cardiovascular diseases. In the first 10 years, there was a positive correlation between age-adjusted CVD incidence and pesticide exposure. This relationship remained significant after adjustment for risk factors (p=0.05). There was no association for coronary heart disease or stroke and pesticide exposure when examined separately, possibly due to a smaller number of outcomes. Based on the OSHA exposure scale statistical, analyses were performed using a cohort of 7, 994 Japanese-American men from the Honolulu Heart Program. The biochemical mechanisms leading to CVD associated with risk factor will be discussed. These results are significant because the association between occupational exposure to pesticides and cardiovascular diseases have not been examined in this cohort. These findings are important in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases related to occupational exposures.

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