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Ramon Hernandez-Molina

Ramon Hernandez-Molina

Atletico de Madrid Football Club, Spain

Title: Football elite players: Special exercise practise and cardiac repercussions. Sport cardiac evaluation consensus is needed to prevent abnormal cardiovascular events


Biography: Ramon Hernandez-Molina


Among the events of greater participation and worldwide repercussion is the practice of professional football. This is a sport of great importance in most of the countries of the five continents, with football-related sporting events being one of the most followed events by the world population. Unfortunately, the occurrence of adverse events related to the practice of this sport of cardiovascular origin constitutes a very important obstacle both for the normal development of this activity at a competitive level and in the development of the sports activity of elite players. The age range of high competition players in football is between 16 and 35 years. Normally these players undergo pre-entry examinations at different soccer clubs but the development of their physical activity in relation to cardiovascular events, among them sudden death, has shown that this initial evaluation is insufficient for the correct follow-up and prevention of cardiovascular events in the extreme physical activity that this type of athletes develop. The development of norms of cardiological performance in these players will allow a very significant decrease in the appearance of negative cardiovascular events as well as the prevention of any alterations that may affect their normal physical activity. There is no doubt that this type of cardiological action on the football player will contribute to the best development of football matches of the training and any activity of this type of elite athletes.

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